- "Aaj Jaage more Bhaag" The lines floated into the air within the artistically decorated Darbar Hall of Indira Kala Music University at Khairagarh. World melted into notes and phrases of Raag Pancham, a melodious, yet uncommon Raag. What remained was only spontaneous utterance of excitement and appreciation. -- TOI Feb 23 2001 <li>"Once he started his recital, he came to grips with the enigmatic Pooriya Dhanashree, set to Tilwada and the audience was transported to a different world". -- TOI Music Review by Sudha Rao
- Brief and Graceful Rendition: It is fascinating to watch the singer creating different patterns in a remarkably mature way with tremendous confidence. -- June 7 DMCC by P.G.Burde
- Prasarbharati Brodadcasting Corporation of India, regional training institute programs, AIR, Ahemdabad 26-03-2001 Sir, This institute is extremely grateful to you for having extended your services as course conductor for the workshop on light and classical music for program officers of all ind radio from the state o Gujrat, Rajsthan, UP and MP organized by this institute at Vadodra from 12-3-2001 to 16-03-2001 The undersigned was impressed with the way you conducted the course smoothly and effectively interacting with other invited talkers and the participants quite efficiently. This institute would like to place on record your contribution for the success of the training course and we look forward to your continued co-operation too. Thanking you, Your faithfully Mr. Paresh Mankad Director, AIR, Ahemdabad
- Similar workshop was conducted at AIR, Baroda, which was appreciated by Prof R.C. Mehta.